1st rule to making money online. Don't Quit Your Day Job. You are new and there are many things to learn. So much that it gets overwhelming. You will not earn much in the beginning. But this guide will help.
Now before joining any of these sites I strongly suggest creating a new email just to join these sites with. A lot of them you will get ton's of emails from. trust me you don't want to use your main email when joining. I made that mistake, learn from my mistakes.
Ok now you have a new email, you are now ready to join a site. This is where I break the normal. Most blogs want you to join all their sites all at once. I feel you should take it slow and only do 1 site. Learn what you can do on that site. Then decide if you like it or not.
If you are from the United States then you want this to be your 1st site. TreasureTrooper has a very active chat room filled with members ready to help new members. Also they pay you to hang around in their chat room.
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